Thursday, June 21, 2012

CTEN Training

Last week I attended an orientation training for my sending agency, CTEN (Commission To Every Nation). Let me just say was awesome!!!

The video below was made by Ben and Jen Beachy, the couple who will be serving with me in Haiti as Guest House Coordinators. They are leaving for Haiti in July. What an awesome, fun, wise couple...I had so much fun with them and am so excited to live and work alongside of them!

The training took place over 3 days in Kerrville, TX. The hill-country of Texas...where seriously, EVERYONE was a cowboy (at least in my mind!). It was in a small office building where CTEN is located. There were 30 people present, representing 12 different countries. Some were couples, singles, older, younger, American, Canadian, not yet serving in their country, had been there for 10+ years....lots of variety. It was so neat to see all these people in ONE place, and to hear all of our unique stories.

Meeting our pastoral care couples was awesome as well. In CTEN there were 4 Pastoral Care couples...basically it is a 'retired' married couple who has served overseas at some point in their lives. They were phenomenal...their life experiences, knowledge, wisdom, guidance, and care! I couldn't believe how much they seemed to know about me, and how much they genuinely cared for me. To know I have this support while I am in Haiti is so comforting. They will keep in touch with me on a weekly basis and have stated multiple times to call/skype them WHENEVER! What a blessing...and they were after my own heart too - goofy, spunky, and full of life. (: (I'll post more about them later!)

The week easily could have been overwhelming - details and more details about CTEN staff, Partnership Development (fundraising), Language and Cultural Acquisition, Conflict Management, Financial Practices, Taxes (side note - you wouldn't believe the amount I will have to pay!), Publishing, Family Issues, and Safety. You name it, we went over it! It was so thorough, and I feel so much more prepared!

Yet, with all of this information and all of these details, CTEN was so focused on the "right" things. They realized the importance of all these details, yet remained true to this "Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God...". God remained the focus, keeping Him center, living out of His Spirit, not all the things we have to do or get done. It was the perfect balance...exactly how I feel like God has intended it. I don't think I have ever felt such peace and essence of God's Kingdom here on earth like I did that week.  What a blessing!

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