Thursday, August 2, 2012

74% and Counting...

74%... the percentage of financial support I have raised for my entire 2 years!!!

In 6 months, I have been provided with 74% of what I will need to live in Haiti for 2 years! Can you believe that?? Before I began this journey, my biggest fear was having to raise support (obviously, some other fears have come along and kind of brushed that one to the side, ha!). Raising support for me meant giving up total control, letting go of the "I can work harder, and do it myself" mentality, and completely humbling myself to ask others for money! At times, it felt embarrassing and shameful!

But, that is what happens when you step 'out of the boat' and take a ALLOWS God to show up. Without having to raise support, I never would have learned that God can (and does!) provide, WITHOUT MY HELP! So often, I just work and get things done on MY strength, never allowing God the chance to show that He can provide; all because I don't want to sit with the uncomfortable feelings or have patience or rely on others. Yet, when we finally get to a point and have no choice but to give up, God does show up!

And not only does He show up, but He provides, and He provides in BIG ways. I mean, I thought I would have to live on a month to month basis, wondering if I would have enough money for that month. I thought it would take me until the end of my 2 years to get most of my support. Not so!

Obviously, I still have 25% left to raise, and that can make me a little nervous. But, then I must REMEMBER that God provides. In His timing, in His way, and more than I could ask or imagine!

So, THANK ALL OF YOU for your support. Whether it has been with finances, by praying for me, by emailing and calling, or by just reading my blog...THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart.

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