Thursday, February 28, 2013

March Birthdays

Martine Duperval – March 11, 1993 – turns 20 this month. Martine is, by far, one of the leaders of the Girls Home. She is energetic, enthusiastic, and it seems, always involved in all aspects of the Girls Home. There seems to be nothing Martine does not do and enjoy doing. Her favorites are cooking and dancing and singing! With Martine’s excellent English skills, outgoing and social personality, you will often find her MC’ing and hosting the holiday, birthday, and team events we have each month.

Roodley Elie – March 12, 1996 – will be turning 17 this month. Roodley is a very quiet, introverted young man. Although he is very quiet, he interacts with the girls at the Girls Home very well! The brotherly bond he seems to have with some of the girls is very evident and strong. They get so excited to see and spend time with him. Roodley is also a very talented artist. He takes great care and time with his drawings and artwork.

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