Wednesday, February 13, 2013

We Go To Learn

As our February team is preparing to arrive tomorrow, this quote from another International Worker here in Haiti is a great reminder - not just for trips to another culture, but also for our daily lives:

"That’s what mission trips should be about—spiritual development, not pretending that they are about saving the world. Not immediately anyway. They are about saving us. Preparing us. Once that is clear, we can venture into Haiti and other places of need with integrity. 

We go to learn, not to save. The mindset of learners is very different from that of servers. Learners listen to others, servers do for others. Learners ask questions, servers offer answers. Learners marvel at the faith of the poor, servers pity the poor. Learners see ingenuity, servers see poverty. Learners affirm the worth of people, servers diminish their dignity. "

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